We take pride in supporting fellow outdoorsmen & food bloggers all around the world. We offer original guest post space in our blog across different world cuisines including American, Italian, Indian, Japanese cuisines etc. We look for the original content creator in the food blogging genre which also includes features to various food vloggers. If you want to get featured or want to write a food guest post on our blog make sure your recipe content hold global appeal.
Contact us using our contact form.
You may be considered a contributor to our blog if you fit one or all of the following:
1. Upcoming Food Blogger
2. Food Vlogger
3. Local Restaurant / Bakery / Global Food Brand – Honest Product Review Written by Renowned Food Bloggers
4. Life Style Blog or Website who occasionally write about food
5. Family Home Style Recipes – Heritage Recipes across the globe
6. A hunter/angler who practices good conservation and values the “Eat What You Hunt” mentality.
We follow and adhere to strict guidelines in selecting Guest Posts for our blog. We believe in curating high-quality content in our blog to give the best possible reading and visual experience for our readers. We try to reply to each email, sometimes you might receive a delayed response as we try to reply to hundreds of email’s we receive. Following are the things that you have to keep in mind before submitting your tasty food recipe to us:
1. Submit Original Content / Recipe can be local but it has to be written in your own words.
2. We do cross-check your content and if we find you have copied it from somewhere you will be banned for a lifetime for our blog.
3. Submit quality food pictures along with your content. Videos can also be included.
4. Write content in a structured form, so it is easier for users to understand and try your recipe: that’s the end purpose of our blog.
5. Your written content length should be above 500 words/guest post. We also offer guest posts video content via our YouTube, Twitch and Roku channels. Should be completely edited and at least 3 minutes long.
6. We allow up to 1 Do-follow link per post.
7. We may edit content slightly as needed however full credit still given to you including link to your site.
We try to accept a guest post that adheres to our criteria. In case we do not accept your content then it might be due to various reasons stated above.